Abogados para todo tipo lesiones.                      Se Habla Español (316) 217-9498

¡Negocios dedicados a los Hispanos!

You didn’t come this far to stop

Servicios Legales

Abogados en: Inmigración, Familiar, Criminal, Negocios, Accidentes

Mas de 30 Restaurantes Mexicanos en Wichita

Talleres Mecánicos, Pintura, Llanteras, Mecánicos Móbil, Vidrios y otros servicios

Auto Servicios

¡Martes de Tacos Especial!

Provide a short description of the gallery, highlighting key things.


Seguro de Vida, Casa, Negocio y Autos

Tiendas de Comida,Tiendas Hispanas de Ropa, Joyería y Quinceañeras

Oficinas y Organizaciones de Ayuda a los Hisapanos para casi todo tipo de situaciones

Carnicerías - Tiendas
Oficinas a la Comunidad

Abogados y Legal

Immigración - Accidentes - Familiar - Penal - Negocios

Write a short text about your service

Write a short text about your service

Write a short text about your service

low angle view photography of a gray building
low angle view photography of a gray building
pink metal frame photo
pink metal frame photo
white building
white building

Predict the future by creating it

You didn’t come this far to stop

Write a short text about your service

Write a short text about your service

Write a short text about your service

low angle view photography of a gray building
low angle view photography of a gray building
pink metal frame photo
pink metal frame photo
white building
white building

Explore our products

Provide a short description of categories listed below.

Category title
black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
white concrete building during daytime
white concrete building during daytime

Write a short description of this category

Category title

Write a short description of this category

Category title

Write a short description of this category

Contact Us Today

For inquiries, please refer to our phone directory for a quick connection to the services you require. We are here to help you.




”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Clarice Turner

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Brian Moten

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Joyce Gould

Here's what our customers say


Discover and support Hispanic businesses in Kansas

About Us

We are a Hispanic Business Directory dedicated to promoting and connecting Hispanic businesses in Kansas.

brown field under gray sky
brown field under gray sky

Contact Us

Have any questions or inquiries? Contact us today!



green grass field under blue sky during daytime